The greatest invention is not automobiles, jets, or internet. Man’s greatest invention is finding his own purpose. It is a purpose that leads to the invention of machines and utilities. Finding your purpose is not something you have to do in a day and leave behind. You have to be on edge every time because you are an ever-changing phenomenon.

Your purpose, more than anything, should be your number one priority. It's hard to forge great relationships, achieve outstanding success, and be the best version of you without first connecting with who you are, and who you can be. Finding your purpose is the first step, connecting with your purpose is the ultimate step. If you want to maximise all your potentials, you have to connect with your purpose every day.

Here, some points have been highlighted for you on how to connect with your purpose in life.


1.     Do What You Love and Love What You Do

The statement might sound like a cliché. But, the reason why it’s a cliché is that clichés are usually true. You have to get involved in the activities that give you the best mental reward. A music career has so many benefits especially financial benefits. You might be tempted to call yourself a musician. But, you have to let go of this trap. If music doesn’t give you the greatest joy, leave it behind you. Writing poems may not be the most lucrative out there, but if you love doing it, just stick to what you love doing. Doing what you love will make you put in more energy and more time than if you were doing something for just financial benefits.


2.     Be Authentic

Being authentic is probably the most difficult challenge you will face. There are many people out there with different characters. You have role models. Your peers are doing some hippy and trendy stuff. Everyone around your age wears a particular kind of look. These are all traps. Being yourself now is something you will be happy you did in years to come. No matter what is going on around you, you have to be authentic. People might be showing lack of integrity, but you have to be honest with who you are. When you are authentic, people see you just like that, and they, in turn, take your word for it.


3.     Immerse Yourself in Your Heart and Soul

You need to listen to what your heart is saying. Follow your guts. Your soul should have its own place in every decision you make. Stop making decisions based on what’s happening around you. Your choices should be centered on what’s happening within you. Your heart and soul should always form your belief system. Logic can go wrong, not your inner soul.


4.     Meditate

Meditation is under-utilized. There is a lot of power that lies in meditation. You get clarity while meditating. Truthfully, ideas can be born if you give yourself enough meditation. During the periods of meditating, you take a look at what’s happened in the past so you can make today a masterpiece and gain vision into how tomorrow can be exceptional.


5.     Put the Past in the Past

The past is gone, stop holding it. While you should learn from the past, stop memorizing it. No amount of thoughts, bad feelings, or resentment, will bring it back. It is buried. Stop trying to resurrect what cannot come back to life. Learn what you should learn, and let it go.


6.     Live in the Moment

If you want to change the world, the time is now. If you want to be better, the time is now. If you want to have fun with your life, the time is now. For anything you want to do, the perfect time is always now. Live every day to the fullest. You won’t get an extra day if today is gone.


7.     Connect to Your Creativity

Creativity is a world-saving phenomenon. The human race is where it is today because of the creativity of some amazing men and women. Like Steve Jobs said, “the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.” These are not just the crazy ones, they are the creative ones.


8.     Cultivate an Intimate Relationship with Yourself

You must have heard it before, be your best friend. Well, you have to be. If you are your best friend, your best secrets will be safe, you will be at peace with yourself, and much more. This is why you have to know yourself deeply. You need to know your best interests and hobbies. Cultivate the habit of staying in your room while others are away.


9.     Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony

What does that mean?
This is all about being congruent. Some people will say what they believe is expected, not what is actually going through their mind. Others will do what they think is expected, even though it’s not what they think or believe to be correct.

Why is congruence important?  
At, congruence is defined as a list of synonyms, specifically “Agreement, harmony, conformity, or correspondence.” Congruence within yourself lays the foundation of your life. If all is congruent, you have a foundation of harmony, calm and peace. If you don’t, you have a foundation of disagreement, agitation and conflict.

Which life will likely be happier, the one built on a foundation of congruence, or the one built on the shaky, incongruent foundation? If I were a betting man, I know which one I would bet my happiness on. How is your life? Are there incongruities within it? When you think of them, do you feel a sense of calm or do you feel agitated? 

Staying happy at all costs should be one of your goals. This goal becomes easier when your thoughts, words, and actions are in harmony with one another.


10.  Set Priorities

Priorities are essential if you want to connect with your purpose. Having an order of priority gives you a strategy on what is the most important at a given time. So, you have to set priorities in a view to be fast on what activities you want to execute.


11.  Have a Life with Purpose, a Life with Love

Finally, live your life like someone who really knows what he is up to. Do not give people any chance to second-guess about you. People will second-guess though, but you should embrace them with love. By doing this, you are living a life of purpose and love.